

Crystal Calm Experiences for Parents/Carers plus Children/Teens

These can be offered in-person to groups and in some cases one-to-one depending upon location. Please email me to enquire about availability.

Creative Colour Experiences for Parents/Carers plus Children/Teens

Please email me to enquire about availability. 

Geopathic Stress Survey (1 hour/remote treatment)

Discover whether your home or your family are being affected by geopathic stress and receive advice on what to do about it.

One-to-one package of Energy Harmonisation for individuals

£295 (covering a total of 4 hours over 2 sessions) online/in-person.

Space clearing for your home. classroom or workspace 

£295 (covering a total of 4 hours over 2 sessions) online. 

Training in Energy Harmonisation – next training in Spring ’24 

Learn a powerful system of dowsing, that combines crystals, codes, and commands that transform the energy for people, animals, and spaces.

Discover how to improve your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and wellbeing, and awaken to the magic of confidence and freedom.

Support yourself and other sensitive people in your care, and learn how to create environments that support you.

Become a Practitioner in the ‘Secret to Sensitivity Programme – next training begins in Summer ’24

To find out more please email me at [email protected].